Infant Probiotics Benefits in HiPP Formula

Probiotics have become a buzzword in the health industry lately because of their suggested health benefits like easier digestion and better gut health.
But, what about probiotics for infants? Can they have the same benefits? Can babies take probiotics?
Many parents often ask these questions because they worry about what’s going into their babies’ bodies that are so little and constantly developing.
If you fall into that category, we totally understand, which is why we’re going to give you important information about infant probiotics and their benefits.
Let’s get started.
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are foods or supplements that have live microorganisms. These microorganisms are intended to improve the “good” bacteria in the body. They can be taken as a supplement or can be found in foods like yogurt or sauerkraut.
Infant Probiotics
The most common types of probiotics are strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Some infant formulas are fortified with probiotics like many of those found at Organic Baby Formula.
HiPP formulas all include probiotics along with all of the other organic ingredients that make them so good for your baby. Whether you’re buying organic HiPP Dutch formula for your newborn or your older baby, all HiPP stages of formula contain probiotics in both the German and Dutch varieties. HiPP uses a probiotic known as lactobacillus fermentum which is naturally found in the mouth and gut.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, when babies have probiotics in their formula, it can promote the balance of bacteria in their intestines. Probiotics can also help to prevent the growth of any organisms that can cause infection or lead to inflammation. Besides being found in formulas, some doctors may also recommend probiotic drops or powders. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before giving your infant this or any type of supplement.
Are Infant Probiotics Safe?
Studies on probiotics remain ongoing, but as of this writing research shows that probiotics are safe for infants and children and are well-tolerated. Premature infants, babies with low birth weight, and those who are HIV-infected have all shown to have good tolerance when it comes to probiotics.
Some pediatricians support probiotics for babies delivered by C-section or for those whose mothers were given antibiotics during labor. When moms get antibiotics during delivery, it can sometimes wipe out healthy bacteria found within the infant’s gut. Probiotics can help to balance that out.
Benefits of Infant Probiotics
While research is still being done about the benefits of infant probiotics, what we do know so far is a plus for probiotics. Check it out…
Helps with Acid Reflux, Constipation, and Colic
A 2014 study found that giving babies the probiotic lactobacillus reuteri in their first three months helped to avoid the onset of acid reflux and constipation as well as reduce overall crying time. Another study done in 2011, found that probiotic drops can also reduce colic symptoms.
Other Probiotic Benefits for Babies
Some research has also shown that the most common types of probiotics (strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) may prevent:
- Diarrhea
- Eczema
- Urinary Tract Infections
Other possible health benefits include possibly reducing food-related allergies and asthma. The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that at this time the benefits of probiotics appear to occur only as long as the probiotics are taken. Once your baby stops having food that is probiotic-fortified or stops taking supplements, the bacteria levels in the intestines return to their previous levels.
The Bottom Line
Research has shown probiotics for infants to be safe. Just like human foods can contain probiotics, there are many baby formulas that contain probiotics, like the ones sold at HiPP formula stages in the German and Dutch varieties all contain the probiotic lactobacillus fermentum which is naturally found in the mouth and gut. Probiotics can also be given as a supplement, but you should always check with your pediatrician before giving your infant any types of supplements.
Studies have shown some pretty amazing benefits from probiotic use when it comes to acid reflux and colic. If your baby has ever had colic or acid reflux, you know that reducing either of those are real game-changers!
As you continue to do your probiotic homework remember that the process of building a healthy gut starts at birth and continues through a child’s entire life!