5 Tips to Relieve Infant Gas
When your baby has gas, you’re going to know about it. It can make them extremely
uncomfortable which will lead to crying, restlessness, and a situation that’s just not fun for
This is why it’s important to know what causes gas in babies so you can prevent it as well as
how to treat it when it happens.
Let’s get started with some common causes of gas in babies before we take a look at
prevention and treatments.
What Causes Gas in Babies?
If your baby has gas, there can be several common culprits. Check out this list to see if any of
these causes may be to blame.
Swallowing too much air while eating
Just as we can get air in our bellies, so can babies. Whether your baby is breastfed or bottle-
fed, he can get too much air in his system which can cause gas.
Gas from foods that mom is eating
Some people think that babies who are breastfed can get the effects of gassy foods from their
mother’s breast milk. Beans and other foods are often looked at as well as acidic foods or too
many dairy products. Of course, if your baby is not breastfed, this can’t be the reason.
Reaction to Formula
Some babies don’t react well to certain formulas. This can result in your baby having gas. If the
formula is to blame, you’ll likely see diarrhea and other digestive problems. This could signal
that it’s time to switch formulas and visit the pediatrician to get to the bottom of the problem.
Symptoms of Gas in Babies
Besides crying and being totally unpleasant, your baby could be sending you other little signals
that he’s having some gas issues. These include:
● Arching the back
● Lifting the legs
● Crying while passing gas or shortly after
● Swollen-looking stomach
If you notice your baby has any of these symptoms, gas could be to blame.
How to Prevent Gas in Babies
The best way to treat gas in babies is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are
some things you can try if your little one has bouts with gas.
Help Them Swallow Less Air
Since too much air is a common culprit, helping your baby get less air in their bellies can help.
You can try to do this by helping them seal their lips when they’re sucking from a bottle or being
In breastfed infants, this means making sure that their lips are creating a seal on the areola.
With bottle-fed babies, you want to make sure your baby is putting their lips not just on the tip of
the nipple. Their lips should be toward the base of the nipple for them to swallow less air.
Tilt the Bottle
The position of the bottle when your baby eats could play into whether they’re swallowing too
much air. If you can tilt the bottle up to about 30 or 40 degrees, the air will rise to the bottom as
they’re feeding. Some people also use collapsible bags that eliminate air and reduce the risk of
your baby getting gas.
Burp Your Baby Frequently
Don’t wait to burp your baby until the feeding is all done. Burp your baby both during and after
feeding. This will help to eliminate air midway through their feeding which can reduce the
chance that it will get carried into the digestive and lead to…you guessed it…gas.
But, if they cry a lot because they don’t like getting burped in between the feeding, they may
swallow more air that way. So, you have to determine whether this is the best route to go for
you and your baby.
5 Tips to Treat Gas in Babies
So, you’ve tried every way you could think of to prevent your baby from getting gas, but it’s still
happening. Don’t worry; you’re not alone.
Here are 5 tips you can try to get your baby relief from gas.
1. Try the Football Hold
By holding your baby in a “football hold” you may be able to settle their gassy stomachs
because of the added pressure on their abdomen. The “football hold” involves holding your baby
face down across your arm with their legs straddling your elbow. The side of their face is in your
2. Change Feeding Positions
Gas can get trapped when your baby can’t get it out of their digestive system effectively. By
feeding your baby in an upright position, you can prevent them from getting too much air into
their bellies. Try positioning your baby so that their back is sitting against your chest, not laying
down in the fold of your elbow.
3. Switch Your Bottle
Just as formulas are not created equally, neither are bottles. Some bottles are specially
designed to prevent the chance that your baby will swallow too much air.
Also, some parents find that using a smaller-stage nipple helps babies to control the air they
take in as they’re feeding. A nipple that allows milk to flow too fast can cause the baby to gulp
and take in more air as they swallow.
4. Move Their Legs in a Circle
By moving your baby’s legs in a bicycling motion, you may be able to help your baby relieve
trapped gas. Lay your baby flat on their back and lift their legs with their knees bent. This may
not only help in the gas department, but your baby may also find the movement fun!
5. Switch to a Specialized Formulas
If your baby suffers from gas regularly, you may want to talk to your pediatrician about switching
to a specialized formula. Sometimes these formulas are easier on babies’ stomachs and can
help with digestion and to reduce gas.
HiPP Comfort is one specialized formula that includes a whey protein that has been hydrolyzed
(broken down into smaller fragments), making it easier to digest. If you and your pediatrician
decide that a specialized formula, like HiPP Comfort, would be a good fit for your baby, Organic
Baby Formula.com can deliver that formula right to your door!
The Bottom Line
No one wants their baby to suffer from gas, but unfortunately, it happens. When it does, you can
try to prevent it by doing things like helping them swallow less air and burping them more
frequently. If you try these things and they don’t work, you can try to treat gas in babies by
changing their feeding position as well as looking into a formula or bottle switch.
While gas in babies can be annoying and uncomfortable, it is something that will pass (no pun
intended). By trying to ease your baby as much as possible, you’re doing your part to get them
through this stage.